Thursday, June 10, 2010

Carrot Madness Report

Gwendolyn's Carrot-themed treats were pretty successful. Twice as successful, in fact, as the lemon-themed treats. Weird. However the cuteness continued. Here we are before heading out to the market. I call us: The Human Carrot! (Notice the orange lower part, the green upper part and the enthusiastic hair style mimicking a carrot top?)

We carried the theme through with the booth decor...

Here is Gwendolyn herself helping one of our favorite customers!

And Gwen posing with one of her cookies...I have no idea where she gets it.

This week's theme? Yellow Squash! And we have some pretty fun and unique treats for you! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the carrot treats, and am looking forward to seeing what you can do with yellow squash! (Oh, and your photos are adorable!)
